Women’s Programs
Families and Groups
We can accommodate family and groups up 10 people from the first timer to the experienced at a variety of single pitch climbing venues throughout the region.
We keep these days light and fun for an enjoyable day.
Explore, experience and learn with the support of an all women’s group led by experienced and certified women guides. We work to create a supportive and fun environment where you can try new things, expand your skills and push your boundaries. The goal of our programs are to educate and empower you through outdoor pursuits.
Winter Courses – OPEN ENROLLMENT
Intro to Ice Climbing
Individuals (who identify as female) new to the sport or with limited experience will enjoy learning from our professional female guides who take the time to cater to you. The supportive nature of an all-female group will provide an ideal learning environment. Our focus is to get you climbing while teaching fundamental climbing skills and movement techniques that are needed for a safe fun day.
Steep Ice Climbing
This one day Women’s Only clinic covers the skills and techniques for climbing steep ice. You will learn to move more efficiently, find the rests, and position yourself with improved security for screw placements. This will also help you keep your hands warm and avoid the pump which dramatically increases enjoyment. This course is perfect for the climber with goals of climbing the prizes of Lake Willoughby, VT and The Ghost, British Columbia.
Baker/Rainier Prep Course
Learn different methods and skills for moving up and down in technical winter terrain. This course is a great precursor to a winter ascent of the gullies in Huntington’s Ravine or bigger objectives like Mt. Baker or Rainier. We will cover crampon technique, mountaineering ax use, moving on steep terrain, moving on a rope team, lead belaying techniques and use of different snow and ice anchors. Weather and conditions permitting, we will ascend a few pitches up the Slide.
Mt. Washington Ascent
Mt. Washington is without a doubt the most sought after and recognized peak in New Hampshire, Climbing Mt. Washington with MMG is an awesome experience you will remember for years to come. With sub-arctic climate, this mountain’s weather and conditions can make finding your way quite a challenge. We’ll let the mountain’s reputation speak for itself.
This is an Open Enrollment climb. You and your groups will meet your guide early to check essential gear. As you ascend you will be transported through various zones of temperate forest before reaching the “Alpine Zone”. Above the tree-line you will experience the mountains true temperament. On a clear day the summit offers you a 360-degree view of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Canada.
Summer Courses
Top Rope Anchor Construction
If you aren’t ready to lead outside or want to get on harder routes, this course will help you learn to build top-rope anchors utilizing bolts or terrain. Tour venues where walking around is accepted practice, and take your climbing outside to explore the New England climbing landscape.
Learn to Lead: Outdoor Sport Climbing
Leading sport climbs outside of the gym has some distinctly different risks and considerations. Seeking professional training will not only teach you to lead sport routes, but it will also provide background and context on how build and clean anchors, lead belay and access outdoor risks and common misconceptions. Increase the “Fun Factor”, get trained.
Learn to Lead: Traditional
Looking to get into traditional climbing, or want a guide to check out your systems, this course is for you. Learn to place traditional gear (these things are not bolts), build anchors, transitions to lower/rappel, lead belay and more. Must have own rack to lead. Mock leading only on borrowed gear.
Intro to Rock Climbing
For those who are new to the sport or with limited experience. You will enjoy learning from our professional guides who take the time to cater to you. Our focus is to get you climbing while introducing basic skills and concepts needed for a safe, fun day on the rock.
Three participants minimum required to run the course.
Destination Climbing
North Cascades
The three day itinerary for a Mt. Baker ascent is best for those who want a little more time on the mountain for learning, climbing, rest, and experience. In addition to a summit bid, this itinerary allows for a glacier skills clinic. This clinic may cover skills like: snow anchors, ice anchors, hauling systems, rope travel and glacier navigation.
Day before departure: Meet at 3pm for pre-trip meeting.
Day 1: Hike to Base Camp & Glacier Skills
Day 2: Summit Bid and back to Base Camp
Day 3: Descend to Cars
Acadia National Park
Less than a day’s drive from the Boston area, Acadia National Park provides some of the most scenic rock climbing this side of the Mississippi River. Seaside venues like the famous Otter Cliffs, or the beautiful longer routes on the Precipice offer impeccable granite rock climbs with ocean views. Comfortable camping in the park, or lodging in Bar Harbor provide close access to the climbing. These elements pair with cool ocean breezes and come together to create the idyllic summer rock climbing vacation. Open to all ability levels

Laurie Watt
Laurie has been the director of Woman’s programs and a year round guide for MMG for the last three years. She guides on Rock, Ice, and Alpine terrain. She has a special gift for making all her guests feel empowered and accomplished every single day. To get in touch with Laurie: email [email protected]